My friends always going Wanna One this Wanna One that and told me how interesting their eating show on Vlive was. Because I was really bored, I decided to watch that show and honestly, Kang Daniel is so innocent and kind… like how is that possible?
Because he was busy grilling meat for the other members, he wasn’t able to eat a lot himself; and when the other members are talking, he listens really diligently and continuously speaks in such a handsome, adorable, and cool way.
And when Kim Jaehwan wanted to eat meat, Daniel even blew on the meat to cool it down, put sauce on it, and fed his friend. He’s much more polite and well behaved than I had expected…
Was he always like this??

1. [+67,-2] I won’t say anything and just drop this here ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(MC: What did you feel when cutting the 100 day anniversary cake?
Kang Daniel: Really light and smooth.)
2. [+60,-1] It’s because his image on stage is too sexy and fierce so you have those thoughts ㅋㅋ He had always been a person filled with humor and really good at taking care of others, so during Produce if any of the eliminated contestants spoke about Daniel, they would always talk about how static his personality had been ㅋㅋ
3. [+49,-1] I’m a Kang Daniel and Wanna One fan and they really treat each other so well!!! I’m really happy that the members get to live together and love each other. If you want to know more then go to Kang Daniel pann.
4. [+37,-1] Kang Daniel excels in both dance and physicality, but most people love him because of his personality.
5. [+32,-0] His signature is really a representative of his innocent face •_• (the emoticon Kang Daniel uses frequently in fancafe)
6. [+27,-0] His nickname is Kang Choding. He jokes around a lot and is really pure, that’s why he gained that nickname.
7. [+24,-0] All the members of Wanna One are kindhearted. That’s why you may feel at peace when looking at photos of them together.
8. [+18,-0] In simple terms, he’s pure… he also has a lot of aegyo ㅠㅠㅠ
9. [+14,-0] He likes eating meat but he still spent more time preparing the meat for the members so he only got to eat a few pieces ㅠㅠ he’s innocent and goodhearted and ahhhhh I don’t know I like him too much.
Trans: Pinkkangvn
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